Saturday, 3 April 2010

Breaking barriers - the move for equality

How many incidents does one have to live through to acknowledge the existence of institutional racism in Australia? It has become such a huge issue that many migrant groups are now more scared of the public institutions such as Police when compared to street criminals.

This fear is leading to many more problems including under-reporting, non-cooperation and DIY at times.

But let us not forget the brave men and women of Australia that have taken a stand against this issue. These fighters for justice come in many colour, shape and sizes. These are the people that are preventing a repeat of the past where Australia adopted a 'White Australia' policy in response to the rising 'yellow peril'. (Yellow - Chinese)

Read this link,
It is disappointing to see such a common-sense approach being challenged and quashed by the Unions. The most hurtful part being an increase in migrants being equated with lowering of standards!!! Do these guys know that there are fire-fighters in almost all countries including China, Malaysia and India?

However where were institutions such as Victoria Multicultural Commission? Shouldn't they be brave and independent and promoting equity across all services? Oh well, we know that they are hardly independent of interference and control from the Premiere's own department.

The State Opposition is pretty dud in Victoria. They are waiting on sidelines for government to fall on their own. I say, tough luck. I believe Victorians are unlucky to have such a brady bunch of politicians on all sides, but are not that keen to change their votes if they don't see a real alternative.  

Despite the setback let us not forget to stand and salute the warriors who have taken a risk. It is not about losing but about fighting; it is about acknowledging and cheering the soldiers. MFB chief executive Ken Latta and Dalal Smiley, Diversity Manager of MFB deserve that. What brave people to stand up for the rest of us in all that heat.

Ken Latta and Dalal Smiley, you are not alone and thank you for fighting for us. You make us proud.

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