The recent changes in the Skilled Occupation List have brought home the demons for thousands of International students. It was long suspected that such changes may be bought in and many thought that such changes will not be applied retrospectively.
Arguments were launched by many Australians, on how honesty and fair-go in the central fabric of the Australian culture. I doubt that. It was once the fabric of this society, not anymore. It has been degraded by the Government which is run not by leaders but by people with expertise in the business of politics. They have bought in their habit of wheeling and dealing to the fore of Governance killing any humanity that there was left.
The recent changes reflect the inherent racism that results from the stupidity and greed. I doubt the Government's intention when they changed the rule that is designed to throw the yellow and brown out. Did they not know that this change is designed to hurt only a particular section, class and type of people?
I have been contacted by many news agencies and I have refused to give any statements. It is a waste to say anything to anyone as most of what I have said has been used for showbiz but it has not made difference on the ground. In fact the government has now gone ahead and cut the students jugular to bleed them to death.
I have had enough of threats and insults from Australian Government agents. Last time even the Indian Consulate told me not to speak. They wanted to hand-pick the representative and according to them I am not that. I want to see how the Indian Consulate will defend the rights of Indians which they claim to do on media every now and then. BTW, for record, the Indian Consulate blames Indians for attacks as they believe that when people come from poor and regional backgrounds they do not have civic sense and end up causing all the trouble.
I have given Navjot Singh from AISA's contact details to a couple of journalists for comments. He was leading at the last FISA rally and wanted to do something. My best wishes to all who want to make a difference. I do hope that Navjot and others are able to gather enough courage and sense to show the light of injustice on this matter. In Melbourne, I have offered to all students who contacted me to take the leadership on this matter. I will continue to offer moral support and guidance for anyone who wants it.